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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Return to blogging

Okay, so i've started blogging AGAIN. HAHA this time because Tres Handsome so politely enquired about my blog status being "hanged" since 7th June ( or well that's what i remember him saying..)

As i was telling our dear handsome 3, i wasn't updating my blog due to certain distractions that i am currently facing in my life which he apparently did not understand why i couldn't blog about it but thou shall not dwell about it. HA.

Anyhow, school didn't really start very well. Due to ahem certain incident which again i shall not discuss (the reason will come later please stay tune *HAHAHA*). which brings me to the main point of this whole entry.

You know how sometimes your friends can always amaze you and the amazement can pretty much swing both ways? Well this happened to me. Like the famous chinese saying goes dh" shou xin shi rou, shou bei ye shi rou" which in direct translation actually means it'll hurt no matter how you try to make it not hurt.(erm.. ya)

I absolutely adores all my friends ( MOST of them anyway) and i would rather die than to have to face my friends hating each other. ESPECIALLY when they all truly matter.
Never mind, thou shalt no dwell.

I so feel like complaining bout the stupid bus which is making me on the verge of being late despite leaving my place super early in the morning. STUPID. BUT, i shall not complain cause i realised that i am being truly ah ma recently and have been complaining ALOT. ( when i say alot, I MEAN A LOT.) God and i do not like complaining! not when god made the world such a beautiful place! But shall truly say that as much as the world is beautiful, it is my utmost regret to say that the people living on it ARE NOT. I mean seriously, how many good people do you actually meet on any one day compared to the shit-y people you meet every hour? THINK ABOUT IT.

Sometimes i would ask myself," Has God truly left us? For he think that the world is already operating freaking well on its own?" And then it suddenly occured to me. God didn't leave us, he just stood there and not help us because he wanted for us to grow. To grow up and not dwell in self pity, to be able to make this whole world a better place through our own efforts. God made us intelligent( note to self: NOT intelligent challenged!) so that we can actually DO something.

And sometimes it feels like living on this world serves no plausible purpose at all. Yet we're all still here. Because god truly believe we can all do something, no matter how minute it is.

FINE i shall not digress any further for it has become boring. HAHA.

I feel boring.

Now that i've decided to get over him.



Like julia roberts once said in notting hill:"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a guy, asking him to love her back."
But you see, its quite hard to EVEN find the opportunity to actually be able to say that cos you see, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHETHER HE KNOWS I EXISTS!.

Never mind.

Im just bored.

And Oh,
The 5 handsomes and the 5 pretty-s absolutely ROCKS!! together with 1A04!! We all ROCK!

12:08 AM

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I finally sat down and started writing my long awaited beginning of my blog.

Haha, what is that title??!! I seriously don't understand what I write sometimes HAR HAR.

But its been such a long time since I've blogged! And all those things that I've wanted to write in those days when i haven been writing were forgotten. ( Yes dear, I am ULTRA absent minded. )

Anyhow, well yesterday was the GRRREAT ending to a not-so-great week. The End Of Common Test. And just so happens, I was having my "best" paper (*drumroll please*)--- BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE. So please allow me to give all of you a quick recap of what has happened to me this week.

First up in the week was IPC, which I smartassedly ( i don't think there's this word so ya, that's why there's italics there) decided that since I'm not that bad at IPC and that it'll be up to my maths power to make it, I happily decided to just wake up on the day of the exam and study for around 1 hour plus.
Turns out our lecturer decided that we're all freaking smart enough to do a tough paper within 1 hr! NOW ISN'T THAT GREAT? O wait wait. Guess that smartest thing I did that day.
I stared at a 10 mark question for 15 min thinking its an MCQ. Now aren't I smart? I'm guessing that now maybe even a cockroach is smarter than me. shit. NOW who in this superficial and yet temptation packed world can stare at a 10 mark question for 15 min in a 60 min paper when u have so many questions UNDONE?
And so marks the beginning of the whole load of screws I've created this week enough to start a store.

Second day was EM2 (that's math).
Now you see, math wasn't so bad UNTIL I keep staring at a question that I did, thinking that there must be something wrong cos the answer value is simply too big.
I forgot to square the denominator, OF WHICH I found out about 5 minutes after the paper was collected when I was fooling around with my calculator.

Wednesday was Thermodynamics( Physics ).
I swear I don't even know how to start on this. First, due to the simplicity of the common test paper in 2006, I happily decided that "Hey! Its so simple I don't think I shouldn't waste time on this!"
Turns out this year's paper was the complete opposite of last year's.
It was tough.
Tougher than the toughest chicken you've laid your teeth on.
It was TOUGH tough.

And to my most hated biomol sci yesterday.
It was a freaking simple paper, WHICH I DIN STUDY FOR. Since I was already depressed and given up on this common test altogether. AND I seriously don't want to talk about it. I know all the answers but I just cannot remember them.

Which was why I was so pissed yesterday after I came out of the room. You know, Im suffering from the well known POST BIOMOL SYNDROME.

Which I recovered from the moment I stepped onto clementi interchange!! YAY!! so the couple of us went to Kbox and had FUN YAY!! SING SING SINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

"I'm singing in the rain~~~~~"

But I'm having a really bad headache now.. Slept at 2.30 yesterday (erm or should I say this morning) and I woke up at 7.00 am!!!!!

Well I guess this is a long enough ( but not naggy ) post.. HAHA
Will post again..
Now going watch shows liao..

11:54 PM

Monday, May 28, 2007



10:38 PM


Blake LEWIS!!
Maroon 5!

Irritating people
Potential Teacher's pet

All guys build up
Get a Hermes bag
Go Boston to study
Pass Yr1

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May 2007June 2007

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